Sunday, October 31, 2010


sedih time ingat kat phone lama-lama dulu;(kalau aku tahu macamni jadinyer...sumpah aku jaga handphone aku,benci betol..!
time aku 11taon aku pakai phone ni :
masa tu aku cuma tahu main game snake and aku xpernah dapat msj pon..huhu sia-sia je pakai phone an?

lepas tu..bila aku 12 tahun..papa bagi aku phone lain, i still remember.."airy mid"tone yang aku wajib dengar setiap malam sebelum tidur,huhu...lawak! masa pakai phone tu lah..first time ada secret admire msg..! haha..lawak betol C: that boy is my cousin friend..time tu,aku baca msg sesangat lembab..and xpaham banyak benda. Dekat setahun aku pakai phone's that phone :

lepastu...bila result upsr keluar,papa belikan aku phone baru..and bagi aku pda sebab papa happy happy happy happy sangat dengan result aku..syukuralhamdullilah gila lah masa tuh....; ) tapi,aku bukan tahu pun function sume tuh. membazir..abang aku je yang pakai lebih and ambil kesempatan dekat harta aku..haha. masa tu,aku cuma tahu sayang credit aku je,10sen pun aku sayang..hehe.
pda tu,ayah aku cakap je untuk aku..tapi dia yang pakai lebih...! aku cuma guna menatang alah tu untuk dengar lagu fav aku..hee save siket battery phone aku,time tu aku suke band indonesia..feeling xabis-abis melayan lagu. CINTERCINTERCINTER,kejap je pda tuh bertahan..5bulan je kot,pda tuh da jahanam kes mamapapa fighting[marah betol] phone & pda tuh : 

lepastu..papa bagi aku pinjam phone dia sebab aku nak pakai 2 handphone..satu celcom and satu maxis..huhu sayang papa masa tuh semua aku nak dia bagi ;)[happy] papa baru beli phone sony and dia cuma ada no maxis je,so aku ambik kesempatan pakai phone dia macam harta sendiri,last-last papa jual phone phone tu:

lepastu cuma satu phone yang aku pakai...dua tahun phone tu bertahan kat tangan 3500c,i love it..banyak jasa kau dekat aku,huhu. sampailah si ****  merosakkan harta aku..sumpah aku bengang! start dari tu...aku cuma pakai phone nokia1202..xada memory card,xada cam,xada lagu,xad semua! yang ada cuma snake game,boleh msg and boleh bergayut..tu je! hugrhh..papa pon dah xnak kisah pasal phone apa yang aku pakai,dia dah sayang duit nak belikan phone untuk aku. waaaaa ;'( aku nak phone baru .......!
this is my worthless phone :

Saturday, October 30, 2010

IM TALKING ABOUT ME:aku dah berubah~

♥ lying : fuck liar ..! sial betol,aku benci penipu..seriously >O< [aku xkan menipu lagi , sayang kau B;)]

i ♥ being a housekeeper : no.! -HOUSE WORKS- fuck them..memenatkan  & menyampahkan aku.. i must finish them alone..nononono,aku bukan orang gaji. -,-

i ♥ listening to a guitar sound : i make them by myself..aku boleh main guitar ;) yeayeayeay! suka sangat! hihi.

i ♥ hardcore music+their vocal voices : am only ♥ a hardcore voice..not thiers music anymore ;)
[B,kau sedarkan aku] music dorang memang menyerabutkan lorgh. tapi i'll work as basist when miro playin a hardcore music..ahahah ;D

i ♥ to have many friend : i don't care even if i don't have any friend..hee.

i ♥ fighting with my younger sis : am the most perfect sis ;) ahahaha.
[ sayang la..adik-adik,dorang akan sayang kau (mama cakap)]

i hate the kingcontrol : even if u're the kingkongcontrol..i don't care,i still ♥ u ;) ,huhu..! kau..,aku suke kau.

i never go to the boy's house..nonono,said no to the boy's house! : i go to his house,oftenly!
teroknyer~ kan? tapi...! aku xbuat apepun okey! kissing itu tidak ada..! memang tu pekara biasa bagi semua,tapi aku tak nak jadikan itu pekara biasa untuk diri aku,aku tidak suka ![bapak skema ayat]hehe.

i never take "CINTA" as my word : now...i was[goodnyte cinta] ouih,jiwangnyer aku ni ;)
takpelah...just sometime,kan? huhu.

i ♥ screaming in the class : am the quite person,anywhere i've been.

i hate tv : i have too ♥ tv ;( ,my boyfriend xbagi keluar rumah..! dasyat x? bapak,aku terpaksa lah menghadap tv almost the whole day..takde kerja nak buat! -,-bosan..tapi aku okey,sebab kau ada ;)

i can't stand when anyone wanna pick a fight with me : hurgh...bodohlaah korang nak gaduh dengan aku sama je macam korang gaduh dengan diri sendiri sebab aku akan kunci mulut aku time gaduh ;) aku bukan
bodoh thats why aku tak suka gaduh-gaduh.

i hate korean boy : hurmm comel jugak dorang ni [penagruh yeoja lee na] huhu.

# memang banyak yang dah berubah,ada yang xmasuk dalam list sebab dorang lari time aku nak type pasal dorang,huhu..
papepun..perubahan yang baik tu [syukuralhamdullillah]
perubahan yang buruk tu[change yourself myra! jangan jadi teruk..xpayah buat perangai beruk!]

Thursday, October 28, 2010


hurghhh....dear my b.
felt somethin different with u today.
let me know..whats disturbing u now.
i love u..swear :)
i'll give my ears for u if u need it.
i'll let u use my shoulder if u r tired to stand your heads.
am here for u..for anythin u wants.
i am lovin u so much.
i don't want any unwanted thing happen to u.
i want the best for u.
i want u to be in good conditions..
it's always..
b...i miss u damn much! nak nagis rase ;'(
your t-shirt smell nothin!
i was pick them all more left when am missing u like this.
ilysm :(
take care of yourself through the best u can.
make sure the one i love is always be fine.! ok?
goodnyte manje saye.
by2..rindu vavi!
pelok muncet then..lets close the eyes and
praying(baliklaaa rumah sewa ko! jangan laa keras hati sangat;~amin)

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Yes I am a liar

All I did just a lie

But then I try

let truth come fly

I shy and cry

Being a girl with no fy

Through all unlies il  your style

The way u smile

Maka now left  no more i

Friday, October 15, 2010


Friend…this is my beloved bff.
She’s the only one..
I thought we will never be like this way..
U leave n we gone,left nothing..
Mybe let u know him was a wrong part that I
maked since we start b friend n until it stopped.
If u never knew him,all these shall not happen.
We r still were..u & me still us,
our belongings still ours,
Sara & Myra still friend.
We were friend for 9years…
Too much we shared..almost whole of the
Event,secret,feelings,advise,story we know each other do.
Maybe..i was hurting u,but I did it to remaind u about the rules
of being a girl who we were before & I wanted to let u know..
he’s not the best for u.. u have much more goodess in yourself
then u could get someone better then him.
I do mylysm ;’(


I've known Love since i was six. I went to school and I had my first encounter with a boy. He was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, I swear. And I remember for the first time, i could feel my heart beating so fast. Little that I know that for the next 14 years, I will get that from time to time. That heart-beating-out of the chest thing. We had to make a kite for art class that day, and I didnt have a glue with me, so I gathered all my confidence, and asked him if i could use his glue. and he said "ambik la." which simply means "take it". The very juicy glue-borrowing flirting went on for a few years.. We would walk pass each other, and I would pretend that I dont care. Everytime he does that my heart skips a beat. And out of the 2 years we were in school together, all i got from him was a smile. One smile. Really.  Then now..i have another himC: totaly..i am so “galoks” since being a small girl~ngeh3 xD.


aku tak boleh terima lagi,
bila teringat kaki kena gigit anjing paka.

kau bagi dia makanan pun tak guna,
sebab dalam kepala dia kosong.

banyak makan sampah,
minum kencing sendiri.

anjing, tapi perangai macam babi.
tak guna duduk bandar pun,
sebab perangai hutan tu tak boleh nak kikis.
bodoh lah.
hitam, muka dgn hati sama warna.

jangan berangan nak jadi mcm "dia" lah.
anjing paka..!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


everythings still okeah;)
dy makin sebot2 name kimy =.= hurgh benci-benci-benci
n knpe tah dy nmpk da bosan dgn aq.
erghhhh god!! give me any idea which always could make him
laughing n smile :(

totally now dy mengongkong aq mcm papa plak!
xleh pkai bju seksi..
xleh pkai slua yg menampakkn lurah2 kehidupan skit..xD
i thought he not like that D;
but its okeah..normal la tuh,mama ckp
"owg laki mmg gitu"C; org yg ke bpe yg dy konkong mcm tu?
stkt yg aq tw:
means aq yg ke-5 ;(
tu pon stkt yg aq urm..cdeyh;'(
pape pon...syg b sangat sangat sangat sangat n sangat,sumpah! C: